Why You Need a Strong eCommerce Setup Now More Than Ever

Small businesses around the country have taken a massive hit during the pandemic. Seemingly minor risks you’ve taken in the past have been exploited by truly unforeseen, catastrophic circumstances, leaving many once-optimistic business owners in the lurch. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find a way out— at Marathon Sportswear, we know first-hand how important it is to be prepared, no matter what. 

Do You Have An Online Web Store For Your Customers To Interact With?

Building a successful business isn’t about avoiding all potential risks— by opening a business in the first place, you’re likely going to experience some turbulence. It’s about minimizing the impact those risks might have on your long-term future and finding new ways to adapt to challenging circumstances. And few situations have provided more of an existential threat to our global economy than COVID-19. 


The numbers rise everyday, and the future seems more uncertain than ever, so how are you supposed to remain afloat when the problem you’re dealing with is this overwhelming? By doing what you can to survive. And in the modern, technology-driven era, creating an online store is essential. 


In this blog, we’ll talk about why having online store setup for your business is the most important tool you can have in your arsenal going forward. And if you’re ready to jumpstart your eCommerce platform with Marathon’s user-friendly online store services, check out our shop for yourself here

eCommerce Platforms Aren’t Useful—They’re Necessary 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a local restaurant wanting to make food delivery easier for customers or a retailer looking to improve the customer experience with an online clothing store—regardless of the industry you’re in, you need to be online. This was true even before the pandemic started, but the necessity of having a meaningful online presence has skyrocketed over the last few months. Cases around the country have been rising rapidly, meaning walk-in traffic for your business has likely taken a major hit. 


You need to give your customers the best chance of finding your brand in the first place (social media is a good place to start), before making the actual transaction process as smooth and seamless as possible. If you’ve already done the requisite leg work to increase visibility, the last thing you want is for potential customers to balk at the checkout process.

What Does an Effective eCommerce Platform Look Like?

The products you’re actually selling are going to be different depending on what industry you’re in, but the overarching goals should remain the same. Here are a few key areas you have to hit if you want to turn mild interest into tangible transactions:

Simplicity is Key

Confusion is the enemy. The user experience within your online store should help them find what they’re looking for, not send them down rabbit holes they can’t claw their way out of. Make sure each step within the transaction logically flows to the next one. 

Make Your Brand Known

What sets your company apart from your competition? What about from every other website on the internet? Remember, you’re not just competing with another business in your industry—when your leads are shopping online, you have to jostle with every other distraction that’s a click or a swipe away. Think about what really makes you stand out, and then make it your biggest selling point.  

Quality Matters

How bold is the color scheme of your eCommerce platform? How clear are the images? Does your website look appealing? Browse through the websites of some of your competitors—what makes you want to click through their website (or click away into a new tab)? Making your site attractive is just as important as making it user-friendly. You want to give them countless reasons why they should choose your brand, and no reasons why they shouldn’t.  

How To Make An Online Clothing Store

It’s simple—start your collaboration with Marathon Sportswear.  For everything from designing a seamless user experience to handling distribution for your product, we do it all. For more information on how our team can revitalize your brand and help convert leads into paying customers, reach out to our team today. 

How to Start an Online Store